Dane kontaktowe:
Jagiellońska 4, 41-200 Sosnowiec
Pokój nr: 2.18
Tel: +48 32 364 16 24
e-mail: mcycon@sum.edu.pl
Konsultacje: środy: 11.30 -13.00 i piątki: 12.00 - 13.00
Konsultacje odbywają się drogą mailową lub osobiście w Katedrze i Zakładzie Mikrobiologii po uprzednim uzgodnieniu drogą mailową (mcycon@sum.edu.pl).
Zainteresowania naukowe:
- Skrining bakterii zdolnych do degradacji wybranych antybiotyków, pestycydów i związków ropopochodnych.
- Identyfikacja szczepów bakterii zdolnych do degradacji antybiotyków, pestycydów i związków ropopochodnych przy wykorzystaniu metod biochemicznych i genetycznych.
- Ocena potencjału degradacyjnego bakterii w stosunku do antybiotyków, pestycydów i związków ropopochodnych.
- Badanie mechanizmów rozkładu antybiotyków, pestycydów i związków ropopochodnych przez mikroorganizmy.
- Badania nad optymalizacją procesów degradacji antybiotyków, pestycydów i związków ropopochodnych przez mikroorganizmy.
- Badania nad wykorzystanie mikroorganizmów w procesach bioremediacji gleb skażonych wybranymi antybiotykami, pestycydami i związkami ropopochodnymi.
- Badanie oporności na antybiotyki u bakterii izolowanych ze skażonych gleb.
- Ocena aktywności mikrobiologicznej gleb skażonych antybiotykami, pestycydami i związkami ropopochodnymi.
- Ocena zmian w bioróżnorodności i strukturze zespołów bakterii w glebach skażonych antybiotykami, pestycydami i związkami ropopochodnymi przy wykorzystaniu technik hodowlanych oraz markerów biochemicznych (FAME, PLFA) i molekularnych (DNA).
Publikacje naukowe:
- Markowicz, A., Bondarczuk, K., Cycoń, M., & Sułowicz, S. (2021). Land application of sewage sludge: Response of soil microbial communities and potential spread of antibiotic resistance.Environmental Pollution, 271
- Cycoń, M., Markowicz, A., Wąsik, T. J., Piotrowska-Seget, Z. (2020). Application of erythromycin and/or Raoultella sp. strain MC3 alters the metabolic activity of soil microbial communities as revealed by the community level physiological profiling approach. Microorganisms, 8(12), 1-16
- Cycoń M., Mrozik A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2019. Antibiotics in the soil environment - degradation and their impact on microbial activity and diversity. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:338
- Smoleń-Dzirba J., Magdalena Rosińska M., Kruszyński P., Janiec J., Cycoń M., Bratosiewicz-Wąsik J., Beniowski M., Bociąga-Jasik M., Jabłonowska E., Szetela B., Wąsik T.J. 2019. Transmission patterns of HIV-1 non-R5 strains in Poland. Scientific Reports9:4970
- Cycoń M., Orlewska K., Markowicz A., Żmijowska A., Smoleń-Dzirba J., Bratosiewicz-Wąsik J., Wąsik T.J., Piotrowska-Seget Z., 2018. Vancomycin and/or Multidrug-Resistant Citrobacter Freundii Altered the Metabolic Pattern of Soil Microbial Community. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:1047
- Bratosiewicz-Wąsik J., Liberski P.P., Peplońska B., Styczyńska M., Smoleń-Dzirba J., Cycon, M., Wąsik T.J. 2018. Regulatory region single nucleotide polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein E gene as risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience Letters684, 86-90
- Orlewska K., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Bratosiewicz-Wąsik J., Cycoń M. 2018. Characterization of bacterial diversity in soil contaminated with the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin and/or inoculated with a multi-drugresistant Raoultella sp. strain using the PCR-DGGE approach. Applied Soil Ecology 126, 58-64.
- Orlewska K., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Cycoń M. 2018. Use of the PCR-DGGE Method for the Analysis of the Bacterial Community Structure in Soil Treated with the Cephalosporin Antibiotic Cefuroxime and/or Inoculated with a Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas putida strain MC1. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:1387
- Borymski S., Cycoń M., Beckmann M., Mur L.AJ., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2018. Plant species and heavy metals affect biodiversity of microbial communities associated with metal-tolerant plants in metalliferous soils. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:1425
- Smoleń-Dzirba J., Rosińska M., Janiec J., Beniowski M., Cycoń M., Bratosiewicz-Wąsik J., Wąsik T.J.; CASCADE collaboration in EuroCoord, 2017. HIV-1 Infection in Persons Homozygous for CCR5-Δ32 Allele: The Next Case and the Review. AIDS Reviews 19, 219-230
- Cycoń M., Mrozik A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2017. Bioaugmentation as a strategy for the remediation of pesticide-polluted soils.: A review. Chemosphere 172, 52-71
- Cycoń M., Borymski S., Żołnierczyk B., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2016. Variable effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on selected biochemical processes mediated by soil microorganisms. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1969
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2016. Pyrethroid-degrading microorganisms and their potential for the bioremediation of contaminated soils: a review. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 1463
- Cycoń M., Borymski S., Orlewska K., Wasik T.J., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2016. An Analysis of the effects of vancomycin and/or vancomycin-resistant Citrobacter freundii exposure on the microbial community structure in soil. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 1015
- Markowicz A., Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2016. Microbial community structure and diversity in long-term hydrocarbon and heavy metal contaminated soils. International Journal of Environmental Research 10, 321-332
- Sułowicz S., Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2016. Non-target impact of fungicide tetraconazole on microbial communities in soils with different agricultural management. Ecotoxicology 25, 1047-1060
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2015. Community structure of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in soil treated with the insecticide imidacloprid. BioMed Research International, Article ID 582938, 12 pages
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2015. Biochemical and microbial soil functioning after application of the insecticide imidacloprid. Journal of Environmental Sciences 27, 147-158
- Cycoń M., Żmijowska A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2014. Enhancement of deltamethrin degradation by soil bioaugmentation with two different strains of Serratia marcescens. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11, 1305–1316
- Cycoń M., Markowicz A., Borymski S., Wójcik M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2013. Imidacloprid induces changes in the structure, genetic diversity and catabolic activity of soil microbial communities. Journal of Environmental Management 131, 55-65
- Cycoń M., Markowicz A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2013. Structural and functional diversity of bacterial community in soil treated with the herbicide napropamide estimated by the DGGE, CLPP and r/K-strategy approaches. Applied Soil Ecology 72, 242-250
- Cycoń M., Wójcik M., Borymski S., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2013. Short-term effects of the herbicide napropamide on the activity and structure of the soil microbial community assessed by the multi-approach analysis. Applied Soil Ecology 66, 8-18
- Cycoń M., Żmijowska A., Wójcik M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2013. Biodegradation and bioremediation potential of diazinon-degrading Serratia marcescens to remove other organophosphorus pesticides from soils.Journal of Environmental Management 117, 7-16
- Cycoń M., Wójcik M., Borymski S., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2012. A broad-spectrum analysis of the effects of teflubenzuron exposure on the biochemical activities and microbial community structure of soil. Journal of Environmental Management 108, 27-35
- Cycoń M., Lewandowska A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2012. Mineralization dynamics of chlormequat chloride (CCC) in soils of different textures. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies21, 595-602
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. Response of soil microflora to pesticides. In: Pesticides: evaluation of environmental pollution. Eds.: Rathore H.S. and Nollet L.M.L.,CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2012, pp 233-258
Cycoń M., Wójcik M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2010. Biodegradation kinetics of the benzimidazole fungicide thiophanate-methyl by bacteria isolated from loamy sand soil. Biodegradation22, 573-583 - Cycoń M., Lewandowska A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2011. Comparison of mineralization dynamics of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in soils of different textures. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies20, 293-301
- Cycoń M., Żmijowska A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2011. Biodegradation kinetics of 2,4-D by bacterial strains isolated from soil. Central European Journal of Biology 6, 188-198
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Kozdrój J. 2010. Linuron effects on microbiological characteristics of sandy soils as determined in a pot study. Annals of Microbiology 60, 439-449
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Kozdrój J. 2010. Dehydrogenase activity as an indicative of different microbial response for pesticides treated soil. Chemistry and Ecology 26, 243-250
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Kozdrój J. 2010. Responses of indigenous microorganisms to a fungicidal mixture of mancozeb and dimethomorph added to sandy soils. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 64, 316-323
- Mrozik A., Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2010.Changes in FAMEs profiles of Pseudomonas sp. CF600 as a marker of phenol degradation in different soils.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64, 86-96
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Kozdrój J. 2010. Microbial characteristics of sandy soils exposed to diazinon under laboratory conditions. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 26, 409-418
- Cycoń M., Wójcik M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2009. Biodegradation of the organophosphorus insecticide diazinon by Serratia sp. and Pseudomonas sp. and their use in bioremediation of contaminated soil. Chemosphere76, 494-501
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2009. Changes in bacterial diversity and community structure following pesticides addition to soil estimated by cultivation technique. Ecotoxicology18, 632-642
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2007. Effect of selected pesticides on soil microflora involved in organic matter and nitrogen transformation: pot experiment. Polish Journal of Ecology 55, 207-220
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2007. Response of soil microflora to pesticides introduced into soil – a review. Pestycydy/Pesticides (1-2), 63-82
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2007. The use of microbial activity to predicted effects of herbicide clomazone on soil ecosystem. Pestycydy/Pesticides (1-2), 31-46
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2006. Transformations of pesticides in soil environment - a review. Pestycydy/Pesticides (3-4), 45-56
- Cycoń M., Piotrowska-Seget Z., Kaczyńska A., Kozdrój J. 2006. Microbiological characteristics of a loamy sand soil exposed to tebuconazole and λ-cyhalothrin under laboratory conditions. Ecotoxicology 15, 639-646
- Cycoń M., Kaczyńska A., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2005. Soil enzyme activities as indicator of soil pollution by pesticides. Pestycydy/Pesticides (1-2), 35-45
- Piotrowska-Seget Z., Cycoń M., Kozdrój J. 2005. Metal-tolerant bacteria occurring in heavily polluted soil and mine spoil. Applied Soil Ecology 28, 237-246
- Kaczyńska A., Cycoń M.2004. Adaptation of acute test for earthworms to studies of plant protection products and other chemical substances. Pestycydy/Pesticides (1-2), 105-111
- Cycoń M., Kaczyńska A. 2004. Effects of selected pesticides on soil microbial activity in nitrogen and carbon transformation. Pestycydy/Pesticides (1-2), 113-120
- Cycoń M., Kaczyńska A. 2004. Badanie toksyczności ostrej wybranych środków ochrony roślin dla dżdżownic [Evaluation of acute toxicity of some pesticides for earthworms]. Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych 498, 41-46